This discussion is possibly not for the faint of heart, but nonetheless these things need to be talked about and brought to awareness more so that it will hopefully not occur anymore for future generations, but there's a lot of work to even get that trajectory into proper motion.
Laura's information and website can be found here:
Please share this video or at least her contact to anyone you may know of who may be of need of her services
All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below, including our brand new linkhub that is
We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for Dissolving The Divide, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..
Her website:
she's also a part of a great network of researchers and truth speakers
Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos:
he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:
As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!
Thank you for watching
Quantum-Grammar. This subject is quite unfamiliar to us, yet very intriguing as it ties into much of what we've learned and most recently discovered more in correlation to Black's/Admiralty/Maritime law and the sort thanks to our conversation with David Greenberg, which was the catalyst for Rion & Jasmine to reach out
To be sovereign from all the tentacles of "the system," we're looking to travel through all avenues to piece this jigsaw puzzle together in the frameworks of the most high: True Freedom under Natural Law, Objective Morality and respect for inherent Universal Rights we all have.
You can contact both of our guests via:
Other relevant links to learn more from:
All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below
We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for Dissolving The Divide, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..
Her website:
she's also a part of a great network of researchers and truth speakers
Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos:
he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:
As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!
Thank you for watching
We had the honorable occasion to be invited onto the Libercast livestream show a few weeks ago! We try to delve into things when being interviewed a little differently as to not become redundant to what we're known to be about. Fred is a familiar friend in network for the cause of freedom, conscious parenting and teaching Natural Law, which was discussed in this video. Congratulations to him and his family for their newly born! / @thelibercast9098
Derek and Leslie have been pumping out quality interviews and videos for a full year, sharing thoughts and ideas from the brightest minds and hearts they can find, working towards helping us all dissolve the divides that are obstructing a better future for us all....
End Evil Podcast Streams Thursdays:
6-7 Pacific 8-9 Central 9-10 Eastern
The End Evil Podcast Show Streams to multiple channels,
choose your favorite here:
alive thrive
Welcome to the shire that many truly desire, yet not able to see it first hand, let alone hear a whole lot about it (at least if we were dependent on. Anyone interested in agriculture, or to the contrary, this one's for you.
Jim Gale has been sharing his story far & wide, from his exemplary Galt's Landing, to speaking in front of crowds or interviews.
This conversation doesn't touch on the dialectics revolving around agriculture, but it was rather an inspirational discussion with Jim looking to empower people through the intimate interaction with nature.
For more on Jim, check out
All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below
We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for Dissolving The Divide, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..
Her website:
she's also a part of a great network of researchers and truth speakers
Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos:
he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:
As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!
Thank you for watching
These conversations are what I live for these days! It's great to have a knowledgeable & open-minded spirit as a guest who's comfortable with any question we feel inclined to ask.. Stephanie Forcier brought more to the table than we could've asked, and it was a real insightfully enjoyment to spend nearly 2 hours with her talking about a very fascinating subject.. One that's been poo-pooed, overly mystified, gypsiefied, griftified, and even demonized over a long time.. All for what exactly? Inquiring minds may want to know
For those who know anything about the tarot should've at least learned enough about it to realize that it's a science and method of understanding ourselves, others, and the world better.. For those who didn't comprehend or hear about this being the case for this sacred art-form, please get comfortable and listen to this discussion..
Tarot is but a few specialties that Stephanie is providing for people in her practice at Creators On The Crest, as highlighted in the video.. her website:
All her social media links conveniently here!
A video I wanted to share that explains much more in detail about the issue of the misplacement of the Magician Card before the High Priestess.. One of the best videos I've listened to about the Tarot:
All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below
We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for Dissolving The Divide, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..
Her website:
she's also a part of a great network of researchers and truth speakers
Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos:
he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:
As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!
Thank you for watching
This was a discussion I've been looking forward to for a while, years actually! haha.. Why? Let's just say I've heard too many critiques about the 4th Matrix movie from too many people who didn't understand it all to begin with.. People want a simple story line to follow, but like they ironically stated in the movie, the Matrix was mean to fuck with your head and make you think outside the box/tesseract/matrix.. So tune in and get comfortable while Glenn leads the discussion regarding what people missed in the movie and why it's important, as it's a stark reflection on our world and societal structures run by techno-monopolist oligarchs pushing transhumanism.
As stated in the video, Glenn has his tri-lingual website where you can check out his books and podcasts.
Accompanying Leslie and over a dozen previous guests here, they are part of the
All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below
We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for Dissolving The Divide, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..
Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos:
he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:
As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!
Thank you for watching
This was a very intriguing conversation that David led us through today. There's a lot to consider with what he's brought to the table and if you're interested to learn more, he's got a live workshop you can join for free on Saturdays (hesitant to say every Saturday, so best to stay up to date thru his website).
With this information being rather new to us, we're looking to attend his workshops as well and actually put this to the test to see what happens. If anyone has experience regarding what was discussed here, please feel free to share
His other website & platforms:
All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below
We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for Dissolving The Divide, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..
Her website:
she's also a part of a great network of researchers and truth speakers, as is David:
Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos:
he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:
As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!
Thank you for watching
Great conversation with Jungle, the man behind the channel Metaphyzikal Dynamix. We go over the some of the martial arts and their original intentions behind the practices & teachings.. We wanted to cover this subject with the issue among men, and young boys who need a healthy outlet for self-expression, channel hormones & testosterone positively. There's many dojos and other training facilities, especially since the rise in popularity with MMA and such, which is not worth generalizing due to the vast differences of backgrounds of its international members & participants/competitors. But as mentioned in our chat, we can see differences in distorted teachings, or lacking some of the sacred principles in movies like Karate Kid and his adversaries Cobra Kai.
Jungle made some great points and observations during our discussion in relation to this topic. As the yin-yang symbol represents balance, we can have that friendly reminder for keeping our whole mind-body-spirit balanced in this dance of life. Hieros Gamos.. The balance of masculine & feminine, the non-violence principle & the self-defense principle.
Check out his video on youtube
Contact him if you're interested in learning more and taking classes
All our other works, channels, platforms and contacts can be found in our links below
We also have a dedicated Odysee channel for Dissolving The Divide, which allows you to download any videos on there in-browser for free & no hassle..
Her website:
she's also a part of a great network of researchers and truth speakers
Derek's portal of conscious content of over 300 videos:
he's also a part of a weekly discussion table:
As You can see, we're quite active and got a lot more to come, so stay tuned and invite your friends and family!
Thank you for watching
Great conversation exploring the min of Doriane Greens! Which she recently changed to her maiden name Sarrasin This conversation ties in well with one our our most recent with Kavalya regarding sovereignty, as Dorian told some interesting stories about her life in dealing with growing up, life choices, sacrifice & overcoming adversity.. She's got quite an interesting background from France to Taiwan, especially when she's living & creating in alignment to Natural Law
Please check out her fantastique creative projects::
We had a great discussion among friends that's quite a lot to take in at one sitting, but it's quite invigorating to listen about ways we can heal and empower ourselves through ourselves via our inner wind instruments and over-all vessel..
We enjoyed her idea of what she calls the sovereign science, which does indeed fall in line with Natural Law, Moral Principles and the dissolving of divides within individuals.. Self mastery; requiring higher levels of self gnosis, eradicating falsehoods, self control of thoughts, emotions & actions/behavior. There is indeed the alchemical process to go through over and over again in this ever-changing world coupled by the evolution of ourselves in this co-creative reality. When we recognize and embody our sovereign selves- masters of our own domain, we naturally establish healthy boundaries and innerstand what can and could go against our free-will choices and inherent rights. This usually spills over in recognizing and respecting that with others, thus allowing more connection than discord or indifference. This can be a game-changer in this divisive world!
Mentorship or taking a few classes or services from the likes of herself go a very long way btw.. She is very knowledgeable and experienced with Yoga, astrology, the human design, psychology, shadow work, breathwork, and working with your soul blueprint. Believe me, this is far from any woo woo stuff you may have heard surrounding any of the aforementioned.
Sometimes the simple or basic things in life can be the most impactful, but it's a matter of how we 'will' ourselves to do as such to achieve those results. Your will-force energy, what drives it and where is it driving you? Keeping up with being fit and healthy tends to get more challenging the more we age, but the results are well worth it as those who dedicate themselves to that tend to age slower, keeping some of that youthful spirit and appearance into their 80's without the need of artificial enhancements including botox, medication, surgery and all that.
I was thoroughly impressed and almost a bit overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge and experience with different types of Yoga. Definitely appreciate her simplistic, yet profound approach and explanations about it. There's so much to cover with topics like these as it could easily be split up into a dozen episodes to focus more on all the details among the philosophies and teachings of the many types of yoga, breathwork and well being..
Kavalya is an incredible mother, teacher and entrepreneur. She's a great example of the embodiment of the divine feminine expressing that thru her several practices, knowledge and overall way of life. It's quite inspirational to say the least and I'm sure her sessions and services are powerful and unique!
This is quite the sacred occasion, and we're fortunate to have some live music to make it even more so. Quick back-story: Leslie went on a mission to drive several hours near the northern border of California to pick up her friend and guest of honor Franklin Thom and bring him to a mutual friend's house for this episode to actually happen! A story to tell in itself, but for now, let's just allow Franklin to guide us 'walking backwards' into the future from the present.
His website that seems to be share by a collective of Karuk people who've been active in spreading knowledge and awareness to their tribe and sacred ways of life..
What he spoke with us was very interesting and confirming from what (at least) I've come to learn about the tragedy & hope of growing up on stolen land and having conflicting thoughts/feelings come up nearly every thanksgiving.. Ironic how there's a genocide of turkeys every year for that occasion, which is "something a vegan would say" most would immediately think, but I said that years prior to becoming one.. With that in mind, do we honor the lives of any and all sentient beings sacrificed for our appètit? Btw, in regards to native teachings, in line with animism, pretty much everything in nature has sentience.. Some tribes see rocks as elders.. So if everything has a soul and is connected to creation, or the all/creator or the singularity, whatever, wouldn't we want to live more in harmony with that and treat things and people more sacredly? So in light to diets and such, how many are thanking the lives or life-energy we're consuming from all these plants, animals and such? enough of that tangent, but there's a point to be made in context to what Franklin touched on in this segment.
So what can we do as good intending people who want equality for all? it's tricky within this Gordian Knot of socio-political-geographical entanglement, but we can make positive changes through our actions on a daily basis for starters.. Leave any comments to share your thoughts and solutions!
on the
Bienvenuto to Italia! For those who've never been, that's quite alright, I'm sure folks who even have like myself will hardly know much of the happenings over there anyway.. Luckily, Francesco Sani was kind enough to pay us a visit to answer our curious inquiry about his homeland Italy.. Many of the things happening there seem to be an unfortunately shared fate with not just European counties, but many more since 2020.. So in this episode, we ask Francesco about the state of his country on many levels- from the sounds of the streets, to the geo-political level, to the conspiritorial world- rounded out by his works and presentations about Natural Law. Feel free to invite any Italians you may know of or are related to- even if they do not speak english, you could share Francesco's website or his videos with them.. just ask them simple questions like, have you heard of Natural Law, or impress them with the Italian version- Legge Naturale Francesco's website It is in Italian for the most part, but just to give an idea of what he covers, the beginning 2 paragraphs translated is as follows:This site is dedicated to all those who are actively committed to spreading the ideals of True Freedom in the world and who have sacrificed their lives to accomplish the Great Work. The purpose of this site is to bring to light the esoteric and hidden knowledge that will be necessary to free ourselves from authoritarianism and slavery, to spread the knowledge of Natural Law, of the causes why humanity finds itself in its current condition and of the true meaning of Anarchy. Both him and Leslie are featured on thereher Ciao!
This was a very interesting investigation into alchemy from a more grounded perspective than what meets the eyes who see the title or thumbnail of this video.. Yes Benjamin speaks upon the Norse Mythos, Odin, Yggdrasil & The Nine worlds, yet in regards to applied alchemy, it's not how people have been led to assume how things actually work or are supposed to be interpreted.. The more mainstream side being hollywood and such, but also just the general mystified vagueness and misappropriations of the pantheon of Norse gods, their archetypal representations, and general ancient traditions.. Not that all the above applies or is gone over in this discussion, but I've been very appreciative of people like Benjamin and others who stick close to their roots and share some very practical ways to navigate this reality thru these ancient traditions and teachings in the modern world.. It's hard to say it can be all demystified if one doesn't speak any of the Nordic, or even Scandinavian tongues to fully understand the allegories and lessons which derive from those ancient languages.. This was more of an appetizer for anyone interested in what was touched upon in this show, so as to see what Mr. Balderson's got cooking in the athanor on his 'Odin's Alchemy' video series.. We were really honored to have him on our show and share his spiritually streetwise insights and experiences What I see to be as one of the bigger divides among people in the arena of researching occult information and ancient knowledge is some of the sacred geometrical references to the codes of creation, which I feel the need to address sooner than later and this has been a step-wise process in previous videos.. There have been distortions to what many refer to as the tree of life and also the flower of life.. It is not something small enough to encapsulate in a single episode, let alone a description box, so I'll leave a link to a collection of pictographs.. I see Yggdrasil as an undistorted tree of life, especially with it's sacred 9 points that fit's into the Kathara tree of life as well, and they're on the same base-3 mathmatics, whereas the Kabbalistic trre, or Qlippoth doesn't correlate with the same math, or symmetry, but that's for another segment, like the one on his channel referenced in our discussion titled: Yggdrasil The UnBroken Tree Of Life -  • Yggdrasil the unbroken tree of life Check out his website that has some really cool high quality and frequency jewelry, elixers, and other beneficial delights! channel: @BenjaminBalderson
Our discussion today focuses primarily on awareness- of who we truly are in relation to everything outside of ourselves, yet understanding beyond the simple "as above so below, as within as without" phrase.. There is much more to learn about the Law of Correspondence, spiritual alchemy and astrology an we've been deeply honored and grateful to understand these things deeper as we continue our personal life journeys and what we continue to work on here with Dissolving The Divide. Much respect to Rodney @heartcoreproductions2845
Another important discussion regarding health care and we have Dr. Melissa Sell to guide us through German New Medicine, which isn’t technically all new, but worth being introduced as such since many are quite unfamiliar with that title or medical philosophy, yet I’m some are familiar with some of the concepts and tenants within GNM. It’s quite the conundrum when realizing certain aspects of health care and diagnosis that do not account for certain common sense issues among patients and people suffering dis-eases, like inquiring about the patient’s lifestyle, sleep patterns, diet, mindset, stress factors, living situation, etc. Some ailments are more obvious, cut & tired than others, but the aforementioned is widely unspoken about in western medicine- I could be around or outdated in that statement, but it’s been a common thread of what I’ve been hearing over the yers from many people. Please check out Dr. Melissa’s works and services on her website https://www.drmelissasell.comHer YouTube channel: Also, as mentioned in the beginning, All 3 of us participated in the las Freedom Under Natural Law Online Conference filled with wonderful presenters and hosts.. Feel free to check out Melissa’s short presentation she gave for the event on the FUNL channel:  • The Hidden Science Of The 5 Biologica... Need we say more? Sure, you can go off and google German New Medicine and discover more if you like.. or if you want to stay her with us, we’ve got a few other discussions with some wonderfully knowledgeable and experiences folks: Practical Astral Hygiene Amidst Corrupt Healthcare & Sacred Geometry with Ashley Vise:  • Practical Astral Hygiene Amidst Corru... Diagnosing Allopathic & Homeopathic Systems By Natural Law w/ Patty Lager:  • Diagnosing Allopathic & Homeopathic S... Healthcare vs Self Care with Stephanie MoDavis | Dissolving The Divide #11:  • Healthcare vs Self Care with Stephani... Leslie and her work can be found at www.alive PEACE
The divide & conquer tactics are deep and can be easily underestimated. The pockets are deeper than many still imagine and seem to permeate nearly every major talking point, theory and rabbit hole with dis/misinformants, paltered information, trolls, the whole 9 yards- interesting number there in regards to the labyrinth of the veils. Beth Martens has been in the trenches for quite some time and has interacted with many many people on her path work, so we were excited and fortunate to have her with us to share her vast observations and experiences. As we touched on briefly in the video, she was recently invited to present in this year’s Anarchapulco, which is an event in Acapulco Mexico put on by anarchists- in the terms of no masters no slaves- not the unruly chaotic misunderstanding of the representation of that. The true definition of anarchy means the absences of rulers/slaves/masters/archons- an-archon = without a ruler, it does not imply without rules or violence. Her website is her main hub where you can find her book, King Hero’s Journey Podcast series, and a wonderful variety of services, models and other useful information! So as people may have become more aware of while researching information through alternative media, there are imposters, actors, deceivers, gatekeepers and charlatans to name a few, which is unfortunate enough. It isn’t always evident, but Beth has studied this for some time and has amalgamated a few groupings of certain traits that correspond to certain behaviors & patterns to look out for so we’re not bamboozled by them. This topic is important in general and in context to our approach, this awareness is vital because we’ve seen too many fall victim to certain deceptions which perpetuate polarities of opinions/perspectives which seem to further the divide instead of close it, which one would think that learning about more advanced knowledge would make more people intelligent and unified. In theory this is logical, but the variables to consider include the whole conundrum of controlled opposition, psy-ops and other issues that muddy up the waters of variable facts and information. Leslie and her work can be found at www.alive PEACE
This war/conflict, political/religious, civil to extremist is simple a very sad state of affairs that many people argue over from the outside, not able to properly look in on the bigger picture to the ground level. We are quite honored to have a familiar face who is from Israel, who sees what’s going on through an unfiltered lens. He’s got some great informative videos on his website and channels that cover some topics II love like Tarot, Runes, Mysticism, Natural Law and Philosophy. I got a feeling those are implemented in the recent book he authored: His book The Hero’s Journey can be found here directly: Back to the matter at hand, we have to understand how limited media coverage is about this conflict, and overstand how biased or distorted it can be. As I briefly mentioned in a question in the video, I’ve seen enough bickering amongst Americans alone- let alone others who’ve never been close to the Middle East go at each other’s throats over whose in the right, who’s wrong, which massacres are justified and the whole nine between Israel & Palestine. And to the one’s who claim to be awake and aware of this matrix manipulative system around the world and are quick to blame it all on the Jews, it’s deplorable and y’all are making honest humble truth seekers look bad- straight up. There’s an even bigger picture beyond what many see as the big picture, as far as strings being pulled and who are the at the helm of pulling them, which goes back to the fall of Atlantis where there were no dogmatic abrahamic religions or astrotheology. Our hearts go out to the countless lives lost over this conflict dating back over a century ago.. Too many lives have been lost due to religious dogmas, prejudices and claimed holy lands gods and animals. When will we break the hell cycles of unnecessary death!? Video intro by Media Juice: . Intro Music - Light Years - Ill Minded Check out his video from the intro where he takes a lil tour around Jerusalem: . Steven also spoke at Cory Endrulat’s Freedom Summit as Leslie & I have in 2022. . His website: Leslie Powers: PEACE
Welcome to our latest show with Tala Linden, who is an exceptional artist and intuitive (to say the least). Travel with us as we retrace those steps towards awakening and the The Dilemmas & detours we may encounter along the way.. The purpose of this chat is to encourage people to keep going and not get hooked into some of these endless rabbit holes or limited spiritual cul-de-sacs. We're in it for the win-win in that we want to see more people activating into their true authentic self within their seat of the soul. Quick question for those looking to 5D ascension: have you mastered 3D yet and where does 4D fit in this equation? Tala can be reached a few ways thru this link hub: Looking forward to her book coming out in the future!Video of her on Rodney Goodwin's channel with former guest Ashley Vise! . Leslie Powers: PEACE
We’ve all heard these terms like brainwashing, mind games, mental manipulation, mind control. Are we truly 100% controlling our own minds? If you haven’t done deep reflection and learned about how external forces have impacted your mind throughout your life, you probably have aspects of your automatic thinking that are not really your own. To what degree are we in control and if it’s not us all the time, what else is? If 'washing' something usually makes it clean, why does washing brains tend to leave the mind dirtier than before? One of the issues of this dynamic is that people can be living with many contradictions if they’re operating on falsehoods and suggested thoughts, ideas and beliefs that were not of their own origin. As we’ve highlighted, Logan’s done some great work regarding this subject and encourage people to check out his work. In reference to his presentation titled Trivium Hacking. We cover a wide range of elements, effects and tactics surrounding mind control in the negative sense in this one, but as always, overcome, resolve and be empowered by taking back your own minds for good. He also has his professional studio with Heartfire Visions where he produces an eclectic array of music and teaches others as well, so get in contact with him about that with his link below 🌲 Logan's Links: ►🌲 Wizard Factory Links: ► Both Logan & Leslie are part of the Intro: Ill Minded - Light Years Outro: Nu Vision - Bio Regenesis PEACE
Great conversation with ex-member of Scientology Scott Gordon who’s an active organizer in the One Great Work Network. I was quite surprised and intrigued about what he came to share with us On this subject, this may just be my sugar coated opinion but I feel the majority of the world has more questions and skepticism about the whole organization of Scientology, the break-away people and independent groups, plus the many inquiries about anything relevant throughout it’s entire history. Unfortunately Leslie, who set up this meeting, couldn’t make it, but should be healed up from an aggressive flu to come back next week with another interesting guest and subject. But for this installment, it was probably the trickiest video I’ve made for this show since the very first episode and ironically a bit similar since this topic isn’t all that familiar (in context to starting this channel from scratch). So I tried to ask insightful questions to our friend Scott, who’s put himself on the line to defy the dogmatic side/order of Scientology and do his own thing which is in context about extracting the good aspects of it while exposing and disposing the bad. I’m sure there’s many people out there who are more skeptical than anything when they see or hear anything to do with Scientology. Common questions like is it a religion, cult, school, or scheme, are some of the questions and confusions Scott clears up for us today What Leslie and I are concerned about, which she told me in a good way: “Finding gems of knowledge hidden within scientology. What's good and what to weed out” What’s encouraged from this video is to research these things for yourself, especially if you’re polarized or on the fence about Scientology.Please find out more about his work which encourages alignment in all facets of life to Universal Law and objective unbiased morality. Song in the outro is by Scott titled - I Just Want To Be There PEACE
Join us on this 40th episode of Dissolving the Divide as we explore the intriguing power of words and their occulted power. Dan Alexander shares about his awakening to a deeper recognition of universal love and the codes of life which are hidden in letters, numbers and words. Universal mysteries and principles are available to us to experience at deeper and deeper levels the more we align with the simple wisdom of natural law principles and agape love.
We can’t avoid our shadows, which is why we welcome teachers and practitioners of these psychological inner workings known as shadow work. Thanx to some cool synchronicities and networkings, we’re happy and honored to interview a very cool conscious couple who've created their platform of learning and services platform- Shadow Tech Alchemy, who is a cool concept in on its own merit, but they've really made efforts in offering these teachings in a plethora of ways, including authoring their book as seen on the title image called 'Shadow Tech'. @ShadowTechAlchemy The point of shadow work is to make the darkness conscious, so that we can minimize both the suffering we experience and the suffering that we cause. Colin & Melissa have have a well articulated way of explaining this deep psychological work. Fundraiser- PEACE
Great discussion with the pioneer of modern day unschooling, Dayna Martin. ‘Parental Attachment’ in this discussion is not what you may think. We go over her family’s way of life, where their home seems like a living breathing arts & crafts environment. This type of imagination-encouraging upbringing looks very promising, yet there are many who either oppose or couldn’t fathom the life of any form of homeschooling or unschooling, which Dayna clarifies with us today among other interesting insights of her journey over the past 20 years of writing books, giving birth naturally, television interviews, entrepreneurship and many more endeavors that have been inspiringly successful among the Sparkling Martins! main website: @DaynaMartin
Another stellar conversation with the great Rodney Goodwin, who is a true scholar and teacher of the astrology.. There’s a lot of watered down or distorted teachings and influencers out there regarding astrology, but not this man.. You can tell the difference between someone like him who’s studied the occult inside & out next to someone who’s decent, but not well rounded in taking all things into account, especially including corresponding sciences like Tarot, numerology, Cosmic Law, Hermetic Principles, Runes, ancient Mythos, shamanic traditions, planetary high magic, etc.. We truly appreciate Rodney’s powerful energy and intelligence he brings forth every time with us.. This discussion was really great and optimistic in the face of a good amount of doom & gloom postulations out there.. No smoke being blown up any arses in this show, as we all have to continue the great work within ourselves and in the world if we truly want to have a better world, life, future, etc We would suggest booking a session with Rodney to understand more about these things and how it applies to your life, which can be unbelievably empowering! All links to his website, services, and insightful videos can all be found here: We wish everyone bon courage for the new year! Bon courage is a French expression which is much more affirmative & supporting than the somewhat pretentious phrase bonne chance or good luck. Music credits: Intro: Light Years by Ill MindedOutro: Wizards' dance by Luciano Zella our first chat with Rodney is worth watching if you liked this episode:Applied Astro-Psychology & Alchemy - • Applied Astro-Psychology & Alchemy Wi... We do have an Odysee chanel as well, which allows you do download any video on there for free! Leslie, as always can be reached at her website here on youtube @lesliepowers3487 and on the
This episode is quite the appropriate palate cleanser of societal dysphoria for the new year with our funniest show yet thanks to the Blue Collar Mystic comedian himself, Owen Hunt, aka Bootsy Greenwood! Check out a plethora of great works on his website: comedy was supposed to be the ice-breaker, something that transcends all differences and cultures.. Comedians being that trickster archetype holding a mirror of the brutal reality wrapped in a humorous gift (of Gabriel) to the audience. Seems like people in recent years, especially in the public eye are being punished in forms of job loss, public humiliation, and partial or total boycotting in whatever feasible forms…. All because of something they’ve done in the present, but also in the past- years which aren't always relevant.. Internet and social media has propelled things to new heights, and/or lows with over exaggeration and hyper-reactions How did people become so easily offended, push political correctness, don't respect free speech, are hypocritical, seem to regurgitate weaponized phrases creating an social landcape full of verbal minefields, audible eggshells, and knee jerk trigger traps. All for what exactly? I genuinly ask because I don't see much to any of that in a lot of other countries- it's much more of an anglo-saxon phenomenon, where the great big melting pot of the usa makes the most noise as usual. We see the people’s champions, celebrities, etc who get thrown under the bus for all to see, which sets an example on the microcosmic level with daily interactions between ordinary people. Celebrities aren’t immune to scrutiny, especially if they express themselves on social media, which wasn't a factor to this whole dynamic before its exponentiated perpetuation, so how does an everyday jane/joe schmo go against that flow? Owen has some profound insights on transurfing this confusing reality Have you ever said something you wouldn't think, much less intend to be offensive, but were called something to the tune of a misogenist racist xenophobe sexist trans hater abusing free speech? How can we reason with someone who’s in this mob mentality?It's been around for centuries, it’s just been called something else and practiced differently in the modern technocratic whirld.. At least people today aren't stoned to death, and an internet backlash seems less harsh than the Spanish Inquisition, altho we haven't been canceled, so how would we know? a lot of tv, movies and comedy isn’t funny anymore cuz entertainers are playing it too safe to avoid being cancelled, yet certain things can be critisized/hated on in the same way which gets a pass, like negative stereotypes of white people, where if it was for any other color, it would be headlined as racist hatred, etc. Can we please acknowledge the elephants in the room so we can get past these unnecessary trivialities because, as mentioned in the video, they are not a priority, but more of a distraction and energy loosh. Seems like people are way to quick to pull the race card when it doesn’t even apply, and there’s double standards Why does it seem that apologies aren’t snuff, it’s like the mob mentality has gotten folks drunk off hater aide!? An Over-arching issue is the stress it puts on people to act and speak with a lot more caution and hesitancy- not being able to speak their mind freely Are we then, cancelling the ‘culture’ within ourselves Are we in a death cult of woke virtue signalers? Does the ‘crime’ match the punishment? Certain things come to mind with Cancel CULTure like censorship, thought police, "guilty until proven innocent," mob/majority rule, lack of critical thinking, hasty judgements, pop culture, or better put how Marja West says it- poop culture.. For we need not look to celebrities as role models or personalities worth aspiring towards, let alone paying much attention to them in the first place.. It distracts us from more important things like mastering ourselves, interacting with others and learning about reality transurfing, which Owen has some videos in his playlist breaking down the chapters of the book Mrja's currently reading and sharing videos about as well: • Reality Transurfing Ch 1 "The Rustle ... Marja's LTB readings of the book “Hacking The Technogenic System" from the author of Reality Transurfing:
• Hacking The Technogenic System (trans... Video credit for intro and audio outro: Visual Venture - How Cancel Culture Destroyed An Entire Generation:
• How Cancel Culture Destroyed an Entir... Another good video documenting good points about this topic: Why Cancel Culture Sucks:
• Why Cancel Culture Sucks
We're fortunate to have the brilliance of Caroline Reilly for this episode's big topic about Shadow Work and it's importance for people's well being. The yin to this yang is light work, which we go over as well, and is key to understand for us to be balanced, wholistic, and more integrated. The landscape of books & services of shadow work is growing which is good, however, just like with many things, it can be watered down to where it's harder to find authors & practitioners properly researched, experienced, etc. From what we've seen out there, Caroline is up there with others who truly get it on a multitude of levels. Those who've gone thru initiations, aligned to Natural Law, apply alchemy, understand the occult science in context and studied in depth the original authors of this concept like Carl Jung and Rudolph Steiner.. Feel free to share people in this category who you learned from Shadow Work is relevant to Dissolving The Divide because of the powerful ripple effects it can have with individuals who properly do the work. This tends to gradually remove people's participation in the many divide & conquer schemes in society. Conflict, arguments, projections, etc can be seen more as opportunities to resolve differences, pain, confusion, etc in real time.. Never forget that this is not a one-off choice, job, event, or study. It's a gradual step-wise process that goes against the instant gratification sensation which seems to be the norm. There is a threshold to where things get healed, clearer and easier for those doing the real work, yet it's an on-going process that is a part of our evolution in our lifetime. An excerpt from Caroline's newsletter: "I changed the name from Shadow Work Community to Shadow Work Transformations because I am now focusing on real solutions, and where my study was previously 'psychology heavy' I have had the personal realisation that the Shadow needs the Light and so bringing spirituality back into the journey has been the apprentice piece in terms of creating personal transformation. I also have a live 8 week online programme called Inner Alchemy that promises to take you through your Shadow Work, to heal your old wounds, ending the programme with a clear vision for your future. https://shadow-work-transformations.n... https://shadow-work-transformations.n... Shadow Work Transformations Facebook Group  / shadowworktransformations I look forward to working with you. Caroline" ----- some references for this subject: playlist recently made titled: Psychology, Shadow Work & Self Improvement:  • Psychology, Shadow Work & Self Improv... There's over 40 good videos in there including an interview I did with my friend Odysseus Andrianos who published his first book titled Shadow Awakening Leslie has been helping people suffering from mental health issues for many years and has been applying the Hermetica and shadow work concepts to her clients.. Her services are on her website thank you for watching and bon courage on your journey
We were pleased to have Konrad on with us to share ideas and insights on this topic of climate change that has been quite polarizing for decades with no sign of reconciliation, but rather the opposite. How can we create an environment to bridge the gaps of extreme opinions and behaviors attached to them which pits certain types of people against each other? One would think that appreciation for nature and trying our best to be in harmony with it would be in everyone's interest, thus the common ground, but is that what we're experiencing and seeing in the real world? Join us as we delve into Konrad's interesting ideas and information about the factors surrounding the climate change or climate manipulation debate, which are not always included in the scientific equations of all the factors they claim and consider that contribute to global warming. We cover some of the more recent talking points from global conglomerates who seem to gaslight the public while ignoring their own part in the problem while hiding behind green masks offering pseudo solutions that are not in our best interest, which rather raise the cost of living and limits our rights and freedom This subject has been heating up in recent times to say the least while avoiding any puns.. It has been more in the forefront of social media, corporate PR campaigns, political rhetoric, celebrity speeches and "united nations" gatherings among other expressions of the sort. I've been keen on preserving and protecting the environment for most of my life, so observing how narratives and opinions shifted since the 80's has been an interesting unfolding and revealing of politricks, oligarchys, scientism, suppressed 'green' technology, geoengineering, propaganda, cancel culture, activism, inconvenient truths and convenient lies.. Among many other elements, which is scratching the surface of course, but it should be noted that this has happened all during an ecocidal economic explosion, especially in America and China since the 20th century.. To find solutions to any problem, me must find the root cause to it, otherwise, like any weed when not fully uprooted, it will continue to persist. May we not poison the ground where we plant our seeds and water them with pure intentions & care with pure water Konrad Rogoz and his show 'This Week In Tyranny' can be found here: @TruthandLaw Website links: Leslie is also a part of the One Great Work Network where you can find her, Konrad and many other people as well as friends we've had on our show Her website as always, Derek's info/contacts/channels/etc: PEACE
Dissolving The Divide episode #33 and this time it's with the one and only Luemas, the 1-man army behind Chant It Down Radio and Truth Filled Trajectory Podcast series.. We wanted to get his opinions, observations and insights on too many subjects for one show, but it was great non-the-less. The re-occuring emphasis about unraveling ones' self from many layers of falsehoods and programming he spoke about inspired the title of this episode.. The Insidious tentacles of the matrix or control system with their multitude of divide & conquer tactics are not always easy to identify for many still, let alone go through the (sometimes) arduous task of removing those tentacles from our mind/body/spirit- that's a powerful detox In this discussion we wanted Luemas to go with the flow as we peppered him with questions regarding the aforementioned as well as the state of his sacred land and the people there. We also were curious as to what he saw as the biggest divisions or polarizations happening at this time.. Tune in to find out All the ways you can reach our guest:: Website: Youtube: / @truthfilledtrajectorychant9200 Instagram: Telegram: Odysee: Rumble: Chant it down t-shirts: https://chant-it-down-store.creator-s... Thank you for supporting us, feel free to share any of our works to those who may benefit from it.. It does help our efforts by subscribing, leaving reviews, which helps those cantankerous algorithms reveal these videos to others PEACE
We were really pleased that Ashley agreed to join us today for quite the unique topics that correlate in ways many might not have considered before.. Even the legitimacy of all the metatronic "sacred" geometry we see (almost everywhere now) hasn't been put into question by many people, which is why I (Derek) put out a video about it over a year ago. I was surprised when Ashley saw it from a facebook comment a month ago to this date, where she recounted him about her story shared in this video, which was the whole reason and cause point for inviting her on her platform. We're not super adept masters on these subjects, we're still learning, yet we've done quite a lot of eclectic homework and feel comfortable and integrated enough to speak some volumes about it. I really do wish we covered more of the metatronic reversals since there's much to cover regarding all that.. One of the things she mentioned to me in her fb comment was that she saw that "metatronic geometry is the literal molecular structure of the AIDS virus, which is a literal overlay on a T cell." I like the term Ashley brought up- Astral Hygiene, which to me evokes ideas of dissolving the divides within ourself, re-membering our fragmented consciousness, becoming more whole(istic), strengthening your life force and connection to source. Health is required for spiritual enlightenment. A healthy individual (mentally emotionally physically spiritually) is balanced, thus not polarized, which is part of the path for anyone to remove themselves from the divide & conquer parts of society and can be more effective in resolving divisiveness. "When you heal yourself, you heal the ground you walk on"quote I heard Ashley say on her discussion with Sethikus Boza, which goes deeper into her medical background, experiences & to that: • The War on Health - Battle of the Cad... Ashley's website book about the djinn: The 2 trees:
• The Two Trees some healthcare helpers:: Parasite cleanse: Mucoid Plaque Detox for GI: Methylene Blue: High concentration minerals- shilajit: Detox Support & Free Radical Neutralizer: Liver and gall bladder: Creditsintro song: Light Years by Ill Mindedoutro song: The Spirit World by RpM Brown Robe Derek's video titled: Unveiling False Light "Sacred" Geometry & Metatronics - in that video is where I reference all my research and slides used, which apply to this video, which has enough links above, so to not over-saturate all that, I won't re-post them here, except for a huge website where I first came about this information Leslie Powers as always: Alivethrive.lifealso on the onegreatworknetwork.comand a part of the network My works and affiliates: PEACE
This was a very good chat about a topic that is still taboo and one's sexual sovereignty and basic sexual self-discovery and expression seems to not be something widely spoken about in healthy and empowering heart-based intelligent ways. We'll be addressing the unfortunate fact that a lot of intercourse happens between people as opposed to making love, which can perpetuate divisions and indifference within the individual and their partner the sacred union is an electromagnetic equalizer of matter in motion.Indeed we can see this in Nature, everything is in equilibrium as Nature knows how to handle her own regenerative principle and therefore homeostasis… " Brigitte's webpage with her articles: Really great article from the book, The Universal One by Walter Russel Flash of light that sparks when a sperm meets an egg • Flash of light that sparks when a spe... Psychological transmutation - Krishnamurti
• Psychological mutation | Krishnamurti Leslie Powers: Alivethrive.lifealso on the onegreatworknetwork.comand a part of the network Derek Bartolacelli and his works/affiliates: great recent music mix revolving around love his just produced: Thank You For Watching
A very important conversation addressing some elephants in the room of this reality.. Big thanx to Jaymee who profoundly articulated her research and experience about trauma based mind control and why it's so prevalent in many aspects of society.. Part of the solution is bringing in awareness to the problem, which is the vital first phase, but that's just the initial part towards the solution that brings change to dissolve the problem.. In this case it's complex and bleeds into both the individual and collective consciousness, compounding the complications of restoring and resolving these issues A lot more can be spoken about and investigated with what was discussed today, and a proper understanding of it needs to be integrated for there to be positive changes made in the future to break these cycles of psychopathy If we cannot sift through the darkest of truths about todays problems, we will never come up with solutions for them tomorrow? Here are some links to her appearances about relevant subject matter that matters: • NY Patriot & Theresa W/ Jaymee- SRA i... Crtypt Rick's "I've Been Thinking" Radio Show featuring Jaymee:
• Energy Vampires Mind Control The ... Music credits:Intro: Light Years - Ill MindedOutro: Abused Fiddle - Deeskee Leslie Powers as always: Alivethrive.lifealso on the onegreatworknetwork.comand a part of the network Derek Bartolacelli and his works and affiliates: Thank You For Watching
It was really great speaking with Sara and to hear about her thoughts regarding the issue of human vs artificial art, especially when she's an artist herself. The weary trend towards transhumanism should be of concern to people.. If people become desensitized to raw human expression where time, effort and imagination behind it all is taken for granted next to the countless easily generated Ai imagery that can be whipped up after a few key word strokes from any computer, tablet or smart phone. Not just art, but language, music, movies.. What kind of world would that create and how lazy would it render humans.. would certain functions atrophy after a while in the same way we lost the ability to remember simple phone numbers we used to due to the convenience of smart phones, or mathematics in the face of calculators? Sara cross is a woman of many talents and she's put them on display and is available to commission for services such as personalized art and clothing.. She has quite a few interesting links to her works and videos right here: Some videos relevant to our discussion: The A.I. Dilemma: • The A.I. Dilemma - March 9, 2023 The AI Art Apocalypse:
• The AI Art Apocalypse In 1-2 Years AI Art will be dead and here's why:
• In 1-2 years AI Art will be dead and ... No, Ai "Art" is not Art:
• No, Ai "Art" is not Art. Ex-Google Officer Finally Speaks Out About The Dangers of AI - Mo Gawdat:
• EMERGENCY EPISODE: Ex-Google Officer ... Transhumanism Rising & The Technocratic Decepticon A.I. Matrix 2.0 - Derek's Hip Hop Video Mixology in 432Hz:
• Transhumanism Rising & The Technocrat... credit to the artwork in the thumbnail, which is part of an interesting internet article (link below) which mentions this about the comparrison/intention about the two images side-by side: "Left: ‘Tree of Fresh Light’, real-life encaustic wax art on card, by Natalie Dekel, 2018. I have used this work, together with text from my poetry, to generate the AI image, ‘Eve, Mother of All Living’, 2023 (Right). Photoshop was also used to superimpose the dove (cloned from a second version of this AI art)." Music credits: Intro: Light Years - Ill Minded Outro: Abused Fiddle - Deeskee Leslie Powers as always: also on the and a part of the Freedom Under Natural Law crew who've hosted 3 conferences where Sara & Derek were featured in as well Derek Bartolacelli and his works: PEACE and Stay Human Out There!
Back after a long restless summer of metamorphosis, we're back to our regular schedule of new discussions, new topics and new guests this Autumn at the tail end of a conference put on by The S.E.E.D. Academy which featured many great presenters, a large fraction of whom we're friends with, in network with and/or have had on this show.. As we'll mention in the beginning, Bryan & Leslie both contributed their great presentations respectively, where Bryan had some intriguing things to say that are right along the lines of subjects and dialectics we're looking to address and try to come up with soulutions for them. This is a very interesting and controversial (some have said) topic to investigate regarding the differences between Vedic and Western/Tropical astrological systems/sciences.. Leslie & I, like most from the Anglo-Saxon sides of the map have mostly been keyed into western astrology, so it makes us wonder about astrology on a whole.. And what then of the others like Native, Celtic, Chinese, etc astrology around the planet? I see Astrology as a very important aspect of understanding more in depth this reality and one's self that reveals profound innerstandings of the cosmos and how it relates to us, especially in terms of the Law of Correspondence (as above, so below, as the universe so the soul) and archetypes of consciousness and how to better navigate thru it all.. this is far from the surface level generic watered down daily horoscope word salads tossed up in all types of media including newspapers, right next to the classified ads and such.. It's part of the sciences of life to say the least Discount code for Bryan's Ebook: The Manifestation Map: Unlocking The Magic of The Cosmos 46QUF Other Links to Bryan & Brittany: Brittany Ashby & Nickie Lynne's Anarchist 2.0 Cookbook (to cook real nutritious food) featuring many good recipes including one from Derek: Their Home & Haven Farms Project: can inquire your personal Vedic astrologic reading with him also) @eyeofthestormastrology5010 Bryan & Leslie's works can also be found outside of youtube and their websites on the Leslie's website: Credits Intro Music: Light Years - Ill Minded Outro: Polarity Ka Zodiak & Tiye Phoenix Mixed by Derek aka AwakenYaMind Thank you for watching
Great discussion addressing an issue not always considered along our divisive dynamics in society, communities & within family & friendships.. Anjali was perfect to join us for this topic as she comes with her profound personal & professional experience & expertise in healing & uniting the divine feminine on individual & interpersonal levels. She is not your typical yoga instructor, as she has much more to offer as a way-show-er, mentor, and female-to-female practitioner. Unfortunately we only had an hour to dive into this topic, but we did what we could to scratch well beneath the surface and emerge with solutions. There was so much more we all wanted to speak upon, but we're quite happy about what was talked about. We hope to have her, or another guest on to continue this subject matter, and of course on the flip, have someone on to get into the male counterpart conundrums- especially with archetypes, anima/animus, alpha, beta, etc.. Leslie has her own plethora of experiences & expertise as well regarding the difficulties women face, including participating in some sisterhood groups. She's spoken about these things in a few interviews/podcasts this year alone: a wonderful conversation with Marja West and a great 3-part livestream chat on Logan Hart's Wizard Factory show that also included former guests Stephanie MoDavis & Will Keller. Derek is familiar with sisterhoods and has admired them for their results expressed to him by a few friends. We know this isn't the only way to create a sacred space for a female(s) to go through a healing/empowering/spiritual/transformative experience. Sometimes these processes can take years to recalibrate one's mind, body, spirit... There are rarely any one-offs with any alchemical endeavors. Both men & women have their own issues & traumas to work through, and the more we acknowledge and come to terms with it all, the more easier we can all make it for ourselves & others You can find Anjali's works & contact here:: Her next woman's retreat in Bali: . Her book: . Leslie @ Derek, aka AwakenYaMind @
We have another unique episode this time around for our 22nd installment- live and direct from beautiful Redding California! I (Derek) had to see Chris Jantzen & Leslie Powers one last time before I return to France. I captured some good moments during my stay, where we hung out by a pristine lake, a lil campfire congregation, and a few other scenes, including a glimpse of salsa night, which Leslie thrives in! This subject will get its rebuttal regarding the sacred counterpart to the divine principle of self defense with a whole segment delving into ways we can cultivate a strong inner feminine which helps us curb violence towards us and our projections onto others.. Something i'm looking forward to, and expand upon what's been eluded to in the past regarding the art of debate, stemming from the overall art of life. Much Thanx to @lesliepowers3487 & @chrisjantzenendevil5808 for making room in their busy lives to squeeze me in there for a few days! This was more of an impromptu video, which is a collage of different segments we recorded in different settings while sticking to the common theme of self defense for the main topic of this episode. Credits: I added a quick snippet from former guests Logan Hart from the Wizard Factory who just recently spoke with Dan Arnold on his livestream.. He's kept true to his word in keeping his Saturday fixture running, where I've called in a few times, which included a funny sequence with Rodney Goodwin, who we recorded a session right after he finished with Logan that day.. Leslie was on there recently for 2 very good discussions regarding the wounded masculine & feminine with another few past guests in Stephanie MoDavis & Will Keller.. Intro music - Travelin' Man by Scritch (Chris Jantzen & Jer Rodriguez) Outro - Divide & Conquer - Bay Area Art Collective all video & music arranged, mixed, and produced by @AwakenYaMind Leslie & him are on the Her website: Don't forget to sign up and save the date for the upcoming conference: Derek's portal of conscious content: Thank you for watching We have another unique episode this time around for our 22nd installment- live and direct from beautiful Redding California! I (Derek) had to see Chris Jantzen & Leslie Powers one last time before I return to France. I captured some good moments during my stay, where we hung out by a pristine lake, a lil campfire congregation, and a few other scenes, including a glimpse of salsa night, which Leslie thrives in! This subject will get its rebuttal regarding the sacred counterpart to the divine principle of self defense with a whole segment delving into ways we can cultivate a strong inner feminine which helps us curb violence towards us and our projections onto others.. Something i'm looking forward to, and expand upon what's been eluded to in the past regarding the art of debate, stemming from the overall art of life. Much Thanx to @lesliepowers3487 & @chrisjantzenendevil5808 for making room in their busy lives to squeeze me in there for a few days! This was more of an impromptu video, which is a collage of different segments we recorded in different settings while sticking to the common theme of self defense for the main topic of this episode. Credits: I added a quick snippet from former guests Logan Hart from the Wizard Factory who just recently spoke with Dan Arnold on his livestream.. He's kept true to his word in keeping his Saturday fixture running, where I've called in a few times, which included a funny sequence with Rodney Goodwin, who we recorded a session right after he finished with Logan that day.. Leslie was on there recently for 2 very good discussions regarding the wounded masculine & feminine with another few past guests in Stephanie MoDavis & Will Keller.. Intro music - Travelin' Man by Scritch (Chris Jantzen & Jer Rodriguez) Outro - Divide & Conquer - Bay Area Art Collective all video & music arranged, mixed, and produced by @AwakenYaMind Leslie & him are on the Her website: Don't forget to sign up and save the date for the upcoming conference: Derek's portal of conscious content: Thank you for watching
Magical conversation with the majestic Elly Blaise! She's been under the radar and seldom seen in the podcast or video platform scene, but has a wealth of knowledge and experience she shares that is beyond intriguing. Very empowering segment here for anyone on any path of life.. The golden thread is to find yours and weave that magic holistically within the fabrics of life So what's the divisiveness regarding this video's title? the division within one's self that's out of alignment, dormant
We have a very special guest with us today, who is the architect of his fantastic website where he showcases hundreds of info-graphs and profound presentations based off of Natural Law & Hermetic Principles. He's researched and philosophized about many subjects, including the underestimated one about care (true care based in universal morality) and the absence of it. Today we're interested in examining this dynamic with people and how their approach to information differs so much that it's caused a great deal of discord, division and indifference in society and the common household. The goal of this discussion is to help re-establish true care for knowledge: gnosis of self, and objective Truth. We have to acknowledge the propaganda, brainwashing, half-truths, lies, deceit, mis or disinformation from so many sources and angles in society, media, gov't, and the internet (to say the least). But because of this, many people are operating off of the aforementioned, which creates what we are terming dark care, and or not much care at all, since it's been conditioned out of us to varying degrees. What this dark care creates is a pseudo persona of people conditioned to care about things that are contrary to objective truth and support those falsehoods. The virtue signaling of these half or false truths is another layer on top of this cake of collective consciousness fragmented beyond belief, which perpetuates the polarization between people. We're trying to help dissolve this unnecessary tension between people, which starts at the first organ formed within every human who's been birthed on this planet, the heart. But it must be activated to one's true stellar self aligned to Cosmic Law, the Principles we mention on our show every episode and how it applies to everything. We cannot truly, positively evolve as a species if we're not on the same page, still enslaved, apathetic to ourselves, others, Objective Truth and the reality we live in. We encourage you to check out his monumental work on his website! / @evolveconsciousness a few related works of his: Kind, Kin, Genus and Care:
• Kind, Kin, Genus and Care Care for Other Beings and Ourselves:
• Care for Other Beings and Ourselves Dark, Negative and Limited Trivium - Trivium, Language and Reality
• Dark, Negative and Limited Trivium - ... infographs incorporated in the slideshow and the video thumbnail: Him & Leslie can be found on the Leslie's wonderful website: Derek's hub of conscious content: song credits:Intro: Light Years - Ill Mindedoutro: The Holy Science - Nu Vision Thank you for watching, we hope this helped anyone understand more about the subject matter, creating positive effects as the result
Since we we had a cancellation with a guest last week, we decided to recap all our previous guests in a segment between us. We added a few extra videos on our behalves and a few other goodies from when Derek visited Leslie & Chris in Redding, California.. We're keeping busy with a lot, and we may have to go a few weekends this summer without any uploads due to life schedules and concentrating on conferences, which we get into a good amount in this video.. But in anticipation and careful calculation, we should be able to keep our word on getting a new video out every Sunday.. I'll be back in Redding for a few before I go to France, so we'll capture some more good moments up there to share Links: The 3 Conferences: Some guests are on the Others have their own websites Leslie: Derek:
Patty joins us to help shed light on and to truly consider the spiritual aspects of healing on all levels for all ages. We invite the western medical world, which in modern times can be considered the allopathic way of healthcare, which lacks much of the above with their protocols and ways of treating sickness and such.. She holds many degrees and qualifications, aside from delving into much research and information that is not subjected to medical students, so she has a wealth of knowledge, background and experience. Patricia is evoking with us today, which is part of what she provides in her practices: "Healing by aligning with the Principles of Natural Law and healing as mechanism to face one’s shadow and find one’s purpose." Does it not seem imbalanced at all out there in hospital land? one sided responses and diagnostics? have you noticed some of the symbolism with a snake or 2 slithering up or down a staff? That is called the caduceus, representing DNA, kundalini, vitality.. Yet it's been distorted and showcased on pharmacies in many countries: many instances, there's only one snake- usually on the left side of the staff, which symbolized an imbalance of allopathic medicine in the absence of the right side (homeopathic) leaning towards the left brain, which creates over-logical thinking and dogma Can we really take it back to Universal/Cosmic/Natural Law to assist us and others to dissolve this great divide in the medical world? Patty thinks so, although easier said than done, so have a listen to hear her vision, solutions, and evaluation of current systems of health/sick care. Patty Lager and her services can be found here: https://anatomyandphysiology.thinkifi... / @naturallawhealth9272 She is on the https://onegreatworknetwork.comas is Leslie, who always has her fantastic website and services available at Derek is all over the place- too many platforms & projects to mention as well as the locations he's been recording from: http://linktree/derekbartolacelli Thank you
Today we're here to discuss reconciliation, forgiveness and rectification to bridge gaps between discorded people and invite unification, so this episode is full of inspiration thanx to Chad and his 'As Within Project of Emancipation' joining us for a very heartfelt conversation.. Chad, or Shadical as I've known him for several years now on social media, has a great website full of wonderful services influenced by Cosmic Care, Universal Morality, Hermetic & Alchemic Principles and Natural Law. That good'ol science of life that demands we take control and responsibility for our own lives, hold ourselves to high standards and keep ourselves accountable to any unaligned thoughts and emotions as well as our actions, choices and behaviors.. We really enjoyed Chad's insights, practices and presence with us and his approach to divisiveness in a streetwise spiritual way.. You can learn more about his programs, philosophies and reach out to him in a few ways:As Within Emancipation ProjectWww.aswithin.orgEmail: Chad@aswithin.orgFb page: As Within Emancipation ProjectIG: As_within_EPTikTok: as_withinYoutube channel: As Within Emancipation Project Leslie Powers: alivethrive.lifeShe provides an array of wellness services well worth inquiring about, where she can set you up with a free 15 minute consultation Derek is constantly involved in his conscious creations on his other channels on 7 different platforms We will both be participating in the upcoming FUNL Conference titled 'The Trivium' on June 24/25... Thank you for watching
One of the more touchy & tricky topics we have to cover in this series is the concept and practice of VOTING and Cory did a great job with breaking the ice. It's easier said than done with bridging gaps that have been around for a while and most likely have widened over time.. Cory goes over many great points to consider regarding the whole concept & history of government, which paint's a peculiar picture of what the population is actually voting for in political elections.. This is something many do not want to see or hear, much less change their lives about, yet when one does, something empowering takes place within that individual.. With his new initiative, Cory is challenging people to ponder the question: to vote or not to vote? Last year Cory co-hosted a monumental online summit that featured over 50 speakers, researchers, authors, wellness coaches, etc, including Leslie & I. The main theme is how to end slavery while evoking true freedom- something we haven't experienced under any form of government in the history of its existence.. Cory's Links & Works: He wanted us to share this short reading as well, which is relevant to our chat. The Superiority of Moral Power over Political Power: Cory and Leslie can also be found on the one All 3 of us are on the lovely website from our friends at Luvalution: contact us if you would like to be a guest or have any suggestions Thank you for watching
Really great discussion about a topic we've been looking forward to have with a certain gentleman for a while.. Brandon Martin joins us to help connect some dots, bridge some gaps and further our understanding of the differences between esoteric & exoteric Information and how the 2 can benefit everyone, but also why knowledge is esoteric to begin with. The divisions between people become very intricate when analyzing the knowledge differential between most individuals, which becomes more vast comparing a generic upbringing through the public school system next to someone like Brandon who was homeschooled. With so much information out there and so many distortions, angles and interpretations, it can be very tricky to sift through even a fraction of it all to find the golden objective truths recorded, theorized and philosophized throughout human history. Brandon has a wealth of knowledge that he has distilled with fellow colleagues into profound presentations, interviews and conferences. Brandon's portal: They do have some cool teeshirts like the one he was sporting in the intro/outro worth checking out too You can find out more info about the upcoming conferences on his website, and you can also sign up for the FUNL 3 Conference, The Trivium on June 24-25 here: He & Leslie can be found on: Leslie Powers: alivethrive.lifeShe provides an array of wellness services well worth inquiring about, where she can set you up with a free 15 minute consultation Derek is constantly involved in his conscious creations on his other channels on 7 different platforms contact us if you would like to be a guest or have any suggestions Thank you for watching
Great discussion with John, coming from The Natural Freedom League & The People of The NUS! We enjoyed his elaboration of what the Natural Universal Spirit is about and how we can be more in tune with it, which helps dissolve the divides between people, within ourselves and our connection to nature/neter/spirit. Paradox: mid 16th century (originally denoting a statement contrary to accepted opinion): via late Latin from Greek paradoxon ‘contrary (opinion)’, neuter adjective used as a noun, from para- ‘distinct from’ + doxa ‘opinion’. As one journeys through life learning all sorts of things along the way, we do come across many "facts", philosophies, opinions, "truths" and bits of information that go against what others have arrived at, and also what one previously learned.. This is not always a paradox, but all too often since the dawning of human kind, or at least since the fall of Atlantis, people have been violent against each other in the face of differing opinions, beliefs, info, etc.. Is this how people are supposed to "naturally" behave? Not when aligned to Natural Law, The Golden Rule or The NUS.. Not everyone is exposed with the same learning tools, or brought up how to learn, how to think, how to perceive reality, etc.. The classical arts & sciences (The Trivium & Quadrivium) were indeed sequestered/hidden from the masses many centuries ago to create divisions and differences between those who could learn properly about reality and themselves, how the mind works, etc and those who didn't have access to that knowledge and learning methodology. Fast forward to today, and we are still maneuvering through this matrix with many remnants of those causes & effects (among other influences throughout history) in society, social structures and people's psyches.. Although in today's age, we have access to virtually all the information that's been recorded in the public domain, yet what seems to be more important, factual and empowering doesn't always get implemented in school curriculums, mainstream media, etc.. So we thank the brave souls out there who have taken it upon them to shine light on the things that tend to be censored. You can find John's work and music here::: Outro song by John Roeland - It's Apparent (feat. Juz Kuz) Sign up for the FUNL3 Conference, The Trivium on June 24-25 here! Leslie Powers: alivethrive.lifeShe provides an array of wellness services well worth inquiring about, where she can set you up with a free 15 minute consultation Derek is involved in several projects and sharing them on 7 different contact us if you would like to be a guest or have any suggestions Thank you for watching
The divides of education have been part of the fulcrum of what David's been involved in, with Homeschool Leaders and Valor Academy, as well as his contributions to the Education Options group. We're so grateful for him to come on with us for a a very interesting conversation about these conundrums of common core curriculums in public and private schools vs homeschooling or any variant of education independent of the former.. This series looks to offer solutions regarding any divide, and David seems to be chalked full of ideas and solutions for those struggling or wanting to free themselves or their children from public schools. None of us have all the answers, which is why we encourage people to look into these matters for yourselves. Show notes and David's links: Education Options act on academy voluntary curriculum classrooms of the heart: John Gatto network state: Bellagi notes just like in middle skool right? haha @lesliepowers3487 as always has her website, where you can access her works & services she provides. If you are a parent and have any troubled children who may need counseling, consider contacting Leslie for a free consultation to see how she could be of great assistance. Derek put out a mix music mix @AwakenYaMind regarding school some years ago which is quite interesting and groovy with his edutainment style of conveying music that portrays many profound perspectives about life & spirituality.. • The Back To School Hip Hop Special - ... Thank you for listening david james rodriguez education learning online learning teaching
It's with great honor and gratitude to have Rodney back with us for the new season as he gives us his dia-gnosis about the upcoming equinox. Just as with our first discussion with him regarding spiritual alchemy & astro-psychology, astrology- just like Runes, Tarot, and Numerology are not studied and practiced for the sake of divination and profit/prophet/prophecy. These are tools to help us gain deeper insights about ourselves and our placement in the cosmos and in our lives on a daily basis. He came on with us and graced our 3rd episode, now 10 shows later, he's back in a timely matter as we head into the beginning of a new cycle on the cosmic wheel within wheels Transits, Trines & Conjunctions oh my! This discussion was very provocative and educational without the woo-woo new age wishy-washy daily watered down horoscopic lack of logic. His youtube channel has great videos that he continues to share his profound knowledge on many important subjects with his forms of expression through music, readings and dissertations. He's quite active on facebook as well, which Leslie & Derek follow and learn from.all his works and links in one convient place: @heartcoreproductions2845 @lesliepowers3487 alivethrive.lifeShe provides an array of wellness services well worth inquiring about, where she can set you up with a free 15 minute consultation Derek @AwakenYaMind is involved in several projects & conscious creations, where you can find them on over 7 different our apologies for the glitches in the video/audio Thank you for watching
This topic has been quite the challenging one for many people to have conversations & interactions about, and since the turn of the century, the challenge has turned into an arduous struggle, which has left Men and woman (including whatever people want to identify as in-between) at odds.. Now, for those who understand cosmic/Universal/Natural Law and how it's stated in the Hermetica that there are only 2 forms of manifested expressions of gender. This is one of the biggest divides humanity has to reconcile if we want to truly live in this collective consciousness harmoniously on the trajectory towards a society of sovereignty. It always starts with the individual aligning to their true self and the laws of nature, including objective morality for lack of a better term. The divide and conquer tactics have targeted the family unit and both genders to such an extent that some people today cannot even define what a woman is and kids today growing up are more confused and chemically imbalanced than ever.. This is not where humanity should be in 2023, where every day in the present is a reflection of the current height of human evolution, which is so far away from our true potential as a species and stewards of this beautiful earth. Logan Hart is currently the lone wolf with producing everything over at @TheWizardFactory where there is some really great interviews, chats and shorts regarding a variety of consciousness expanding subjects and ways of betterment. He also has his professional studio with Heartfire Visions (sorry i said productions in the intro) where he produces an eclectic array of music and teaches others as well, so get in contact with him about that with his link below 🌲 Wizard Factory Links: ►🌲 Logan's Links: ► As with Logan, Leslie's right next to him in the can find her works & services she provides at and yes, Derek mixes tons of conscious music into themed soundtracks @AwakenYaMind for inspîration and edutainment among other purposeful creations: Thank you for watching
Wonderful and powerful conversation and investigation into some of the divides, differences and polarities between modern healthcare and alternative methods.. We titled it Self Care instead of homeopathic, natural or alternative healthcare with the notion of the individual reclaiming their own power to heal. Of course modern medicine/allopathic methods have their place in benefitting people, but there's been a very tragic imbalance and monopoly/domination from that side of science & medicine which has created dogmatic scientism backed by a multi-billion dollar pharma industry to say the least.. Stephanie offers a fresh approach to the ideas and practices of healing, healthcare or sickcare which can quite possible inspire a larger movement towards these holistic ways of diagnosing & treating dis-eases and such. You can find her Youtube: Stephanie MoDavis/Intersectional Dimensionfacebook:Stephanie Danielle MoDavisIG: MysticMessenger1111Twitter: Stephanie MoDavis Substack:Stephanie MoDavis/Awakening Grace She is actively seeing clients and has yoga and integration sessions “Love is a flame that burns everything other than itself. It is the destruction of all that is false and the fulfillment of all that is true.”― Adyashanti Just like buying a car or a house, one should do their proper research and comparisons of factors & choices out there. Thank you for supporting Dissolving The Divide! Leslie Powers: alivethrive.lifeShe provides an array of wellness services well worth inquiring about, where she can set you up with a free 15 minute consultation Derek is involved in several projects and uploading them on 7 different Thank you for watching
Daniel Arnold is one helluva human being and has quite a fascinating history among many intriguing stories to tell about it.. Today we asked him about how he came about realizing that his job as a policeman wasn't as moral and virtuous as he originally thought.. We're looking to see what alternatives there are to the current criminal, justice, police & military systems.. To get from this police state we're born into towards societal foundations that are hermetically sealed (as much as possible, as we are imperfect evolving beings sharing this reality as a collective consciousness). When has America been considered a church state, political state, justice state, or religious state? What does a society's natural state actually look like?It's too easy to point out the problems, and today we should be focusing and voicing more solutions. We can construct a very conscious construct of a hermetically sealed society if we draw our ideas from the heart-based intelligent iMAGInation. We all have choices we can make on a daily basis in making steps towards these ideasDan's info, books, and works can all be found right here goes by "spiritual anarchist," which will always get people hung up on the false notion of what the word anarchy really means and how people like Dan associate with it, which also equates to being an abolitionist or voluntarist..If you're interested in 1-on-1 counseling, consider contacting @lesliepowers3487 for a free consultation: Derek's links to over 200 intriguing videos, music mixes and projects: either Leslie or Derek if you would like to participate in this seriesThank you
Another great discussion, this time with James Cordiner, who has a lot to say regarding the realms of parenting and distinguishing false forms of authority.. This one is for the kids as we explore how current, past and future systems are holding them back to various degrees, or allowing them to grow & learn unfettered.. Him & Leslie are conscious parents themselves and Derek is aspiring to be one, so these topics are quite known to us and important. “We are not the Authors of our Children’s Rights”-James Cordiner is a Father, Husband, Anarchist, Podcaster, Student and Teacher of Natural Law. From a young age, James has always lived by one simple mantra, "Think for yourself, question authority". Conforming has never been an option, but friendship and social interaction was always important to James. you can find him, like Leslie one the youtube which we don't advise due to the obvious / @ahitchhikersguidetotruth7772 his websites: If you're interested in 1-on-1 counseling, consider contacting @lesliepowers3487 for a free consultation: Derek's links to over 200 intriguing videos and projects: Contact either Leslie or Derek if you would like to participate in this series Thank you
Everyone can relate to money (mon-eye not as much), so there's some common ground, but also gaps to bridge regarding this debt-based economic monetary system that dictates the world and people's behaviors to various degrees across the 7 seas.. So much more to be said about this topic, and none of us are economists or anything, however, we all recognize the inherent wrongfulness of how it's been used and woven into the fabric of society since the time when Jesus apparently campaigned against the fraudulent financial folks of his time. As they say, which is what I (Derek) completely spaced on in the video about how everyone says "follow the money..." and there's so many rabbit holes to follow those funneled funds down to, yet how deep does the average individual actually dig down to and understand to make a change to boycott certain industries, corporations, etc by withdrawing their support/compliance with their time & money? Yes, this cover image is quite green, which is on purpose, just as those greenbacks were made that color on purpose, yet our approach is to recenter that color/frequency/vibration/center point on the spectrum of color corresponding to the heart chakra, hence the heart-based intelligence looking to find solutions to balance out this debt-based societal problem. All of Chris's outreaches, groups, websites & platforms can be found @ Leslie & Chris have several collaborations together & one of my favorites is a great breakdown of how the movie Finding Nemo relates to our enslaved predicament ((The Fish Tank)): • The FishTank | Leslie Powers Chris's video on the psychology of greed, which was his cover image we used in the background of our chat::
• In Greed We Trust Video of Chris & Derek:
• A Mystik Journey Around The Bay To Ph...
• Pathwork And Holistic Living With Der... The music mix mentioned in this segment that includes the song in the outro by Labtekwon titled The Economy of Tricknology: There is so much symbolism encoded in money and if you're interested to learn more, I suggest typing certain key words in a search engine.. If you're interested in 1-on-1 counseling, consider contacting Leslie Powers for a free consultation: Derek's links to over 200 intriguing videos and projects: Contact either Leslie or Derek if you would like to participate in this series Thank you
Really fantastic conversation with this luvly couple Amy Pierce & John-Paul of Luv-A-Lution! This discussion revolves around how 2 people can form a relationship and cultivate a solid foundation for the future generation. As stated with our show, we had to lay down the proper foundation built upon eternal pillars, as should any endeavor and relationship, which starts within each individual and the relationship they have within themselves.. Amy & John-Paul are a great example of a conscious couple, role-model parents & teachers, sovereign individuals and entrepreneurs living their dream in taking responsibility for their lives on their self-sufficient off-grid homestead. from Derek: My apologies for the audio technicalities.. The internet was glitching all weekend where I was which made my audio & video freeze up a bit throughout our discussion.. Amy & Jean-Paul had to make a special internet arrangement for us, as they're off-grid and their reception can be limited at times. We use the term Anarchist in its purest form, meaning self soveriegnty ~no masters, no slaves.. abiding by eternal Principles, Codes of Consciousness as the spiritual non-manmade rules to live by.. it's 'no rulers,' not the distorted 'no rules' slogan. please help support honest independent business and consider their luvly products: Their website has a lot of wonderful surprises in their with many resources, blogs, videos, inspiration, information and their other wellness services. Bitchute Channel: Odyssey Channel: Facebook: Email: Instagram Page: luvalution33 Free and User Friendly Website: Life-Guides with Contacts Page All in 1 Health Supplement with links to EBay & Etsy Stores Truth Speakers Page (80+ Truth Seekers & Speakers) More Links Tab (informative videos) @luv-a-lution778 link to their first interview together where they delve deep into their Luvalution superfood blend & all it's benefits (which i've personally taken): • Video Thank you for supporting Dissolving The Divide! Leslie Powers: She provides an array of wellness services well worth inquiring about, where she can set you up with a free 15 minute consultation Derek is doing many projects and uploading them on 7 different platforms PEACE & Luv
Great discussion with Will Keller, member/founder of The Natural Freedom League, Natural Freedom Alliance, and The Freedom Under Natural Law Conferences. you can find all his works here: @WillTellTruth93 ~~~
This discussion touches on many aspects regarding the nature/spirituality within ourselves, connection to nature and some of the initial factors of division once we branch away from that.
This discussion is a very deep dive into so many aspects of bridging the gaps on the internal divide as we apply some proper masonry to the foundation of what Leslie & Derek are building here. Nate navigates and invites us through many many many perspectives of life through an adept way of understanding language, symbolism, esoteric/occulted/ancient/mystery school knowledge- and yes these are the sciences of life, spirituality, natural law, etc. that is beyond religion and such (who've not only used that knowledge to their advantage to manipulate people, but to also occult and demonize the aforementioned regarding the pure teaching of Universal/cosmic/Natural Law... we are putting the roof on top of this house we've created to keep the foundation hermetically sealed in a sense, where Nate goes into some of the philosophies of a master builder. We are flipping the script on the internal inversions that distort and disservice our true versions of ourselves and raising the spirit out of the material world Nate brings some philosophical wordplay with us, such as The Spire Ritual spiritual symbolic approach and perspective on life and the evolution of consciousness.. Staying on the right path even though it's a spiral journey to get to the point on your own life.. Spiraling towards balance, the center point, or dot in the circle.. One note of further clarification to be made is the limbic part of the brain is separate from the right brain /neo-cortex & r-complex brain stem... You can find all of Nate Kap's work here: @cubbyholebynatekap9973 Leslie Powers: powers Derek Bartolacelli: music credits intro: Light Years by Ill Nature outro: Journey of The Soul by Celestial Serpent PEACE
This Discussion is really about the masculine and feminine energetic achetypes of energetic consciousness that resides in each human being.. Thank you all for watching Marja's links: Connect with me/Work with me/Train with me, become a Mind Control & Trauma DeActivator: email: Back-Up Platforms All my information in one cool place:
This conversation is very important and pertains to individuals whether they're aware of these things or not.. As above, so below, as the universe, so the soul. Believe it or not, but astrology is key in understanding ourselves better, which is why we chose to have Rodney on and share his advanced knowledge about these concepts so we can find balance within ourselves, which is why Libra was mentioned many times in this discussion.. And wouldn't you know it, we all discovered at one point in the cat, that we all have Libra Ascending in our blueprints/natal charts! Rodney has a very profound wealth of knowledge that he kindly shares with us today. He is a mage, musician and teacher among other great aspects as an activated individual aligned to Cosmic Law. You can find out more about him and his powerful services on his website: Email: FACEBOOK: Heart Core Productions Rodney Goodwin/messenger YOUTUBE: / @heartcoreproductions2845 We all have the common ground of being initiated into the Blue Flame Healing Arts & Occult Sciences founded by Sethikus Boza @BlackEarthProductions .. Occult meaning hidden like the laws of nature- nothing satanic or cultish.. It has been a life-improving, consciousness expanding game-changer for all of us.. Rodney's had a few discussions with him that are on both of their youtube channels.. you can find out more and his magnificent services at for me, it's about under/inner/overstanding the wheels within wheels circumnavigating within us and in the cosmos on a multidimensional level, which i have yet to understand, let alone integrate, but as we spoke about in this episode, it's a daily operation in this life journey. Leslie, as always can be reached at her website here on youtube @lesliepowers3487 and on the and my links: @AwakenYaMind email me if you're interesting in coming on the discussion with us and help dissolve the divides in the world and within ourselves PEACE
Welcome to the discussion with our first honorary guest, Brandon Spencer! In this series of informational topics of discussion, we are first laying down the foundation of the divides within humanity, which starts at the individual level going back to the first cosmic law principle of Mentalism: it's all about your state of mind Topic: Internal conflict, diagnosing the first cosmic law principle of mentalism. solutions to controlling your mind, balancing it, understanding the triad alignment, pillars of enlightenment, shadow work, emotional intelligence, feminine qualities of consciousness, masculine qualities of consciousness, polarity, cause & effect, surrendering to the unknown, quality of thought, mindfulness, being present in the moment, etc.. More to touch on in another segment.. You can find Brandon & Leslies works & websites on Brandon's meta-link: His work is quality! He's been one of those great conscious content creators who I've collaborated with the most this past year and our initial chat about the goddess of Maat is what I was eluding to when I introduced him, which I recommend as it's quite relevant. Please help spread the word about this channel as we try to populate this platform from scratch and get the algorithms to favor this work so it can ripple out further as we continue this work. / @dissolvingthedivide For inquiries & interest in our works:: @lesliepowers3487 : @AwakenYaMind
Dissolving The Divide is a solution-based discussion series hosted by Leslie Powers & Derek Bartolacelli. Our aim is to seek unity among people who are divided by a number of issues in the world. Each show with feature a specific topic as we invite guests to come on and help us find ways we can bridge the gaps among the divide and conquer strategies that virtually everyone is effected by to varying degrees. Please help spread the word about this channel as we try to populate this platform from scratch and get the algorithms to favor this work so it can ripple out further as we continue this work. / @dissolvingthedivide For inquiries & interest in our works:: Leslie Powers: @lesliepowers3487 derekbartolacelli (youtube won't let me use the link, so i had to put a space after the /) We are taking the heart-based intelligent approach with much integrated inner work that allows us to speak on virtually the whole spectrum of issues compassionately without really getting triggered or whatnot.. Can you meet us at this level and help bridge these gaps among people that seem to be more wider and polarized?? Even in the 'truth communities' there's much to sort out, which is part of the mission- those with higher states of consciousness and who truly understand the difference when it comes to being aligned with Cosmic Law, need to be the role models we never really had growing up.. Thank you